Working Group Meetings Begin
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
With the Board approval of the MA Conceptual Framework and Design, the working groups are eager to begin their work. The working group co-chairs are now in the process of inviting experts to be involved as Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) and organizing the first working group meetings. Approximately 120 individuals have been approached to take on CLA responsibilities, and many more people will be invited to participate in the working groups as Lead Authors (LAs) or reviewers. The CLAs will be the primary participants at working group meetings during 2002, developing detailed outlines for each report and beginning the drafting of the reports. There will be five working group meetings before June 2002, beginning with the Conceptual Framework CLA meeting March 13 – 17 in Paris. Dates and locations for the first round of working group meetings include: Scenarios Working Group meets April 14 – 17 in Trinidad & Tobago; the Condition Working Group meets April 29 – May 3 in Rome, Italy; the Response Options Working Group will meet on May 27 – May 31 in Delhi, and the Sub-global Working Group will meet June 17 – 21 in Panama.