Сопредседатели Совета
- A. H. Zakri, Director, Institute of Advanced Studies, Университет ООН
(United Nations University)
- Robert Watson, Chief Scientist and Senior Advisor ESSD, Всемирный банк
(World Bank)
Представители организаций
- Salvatore Arico, Programme Officer, Division of Ecological Science,
- Peter Bridgewater, Secretary General, Конвенция по водно-болотным
угодьям (Рамсар) (Ramsar Convention on Wetlands)
- Hama Arba Diallo, Executive Secretary, Конвенция ООН по борьбе с
опустыниванием (UNCCD)
- Adel El-Beltagy, Director General, International Center for Agricultural
Research in the Dry Areas, Консультационная группа по международным
агрономическим исследованиям (CGIAR)
- C. Max Finlayson, Chair, Science and Technical Review Panel, Конвенция
по водно-болотным угодьям (Рамсар) (Ramsar Convention on Wetlands)
- Colin Galbraith, Chair, Scientific Council, Конвенция о сохранении
мигрирующих видов (CMS)
- Erica Harms, Senior Program Officer for Biodiversity, Фонд ООН (United
Nations Foundation)
- Robert Hepworth, Acting Executive Secretary, Конвенция о сохранении
мигрирующих видов (CMS)
- Olav Kjørven, Director, Sustainable Energy and Environment Division,
- Kerstin Leitner, Assistant Director-General, Sustainable Development
and Healthy Environments, ВОЗ (WHO)
- Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, SBSTTA Chair (outgoing), Конвенция о биологическом
разнообразии (CBD)
- Christian Prip, SBSTTA Chair (incoming), Конвенция о биологическом
разнообразии (CBD)
- Mario Ramos, Biodiversity Program Manager, Глобальный экологический
фонд (Global Environment Facility)
- Thomas Rosswall, Director, Международный совет научных обществ (International
Council for Science, ICSU)
- Achim Steiner, Director General, Всемирный союз охраны природы (IUCN-World
Conservation Union)
- Halldor Thorgeirsson, Coordinator, Methods, Inventories and Science
Program, Рамочная конвенция ООН об изменении климата (UNFCCC)
- Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, ЮНЕП (UNEP)
- Jeff Tschirley, Chief, Environmental Service, Research, and Training
Division, ФАО (FAO)
- Riccardo Valentini, Chair, Committee on Science and Technology,
Конвенция ООН по борьбе с опустыниванием (UNCCD)
- Hamdallah Zedan, Executive Secretary, Конвенция о биологическом
разнообразии (CBD)
Участники — представители организаций
- Fernando Almeida, Executive President, Business Council for Sustainable
Development, Бразилия
- Phoebe Barnard, Global Invasive Species Programme, National Botanical
Institute, ЮАР
- Gordana Beltram, Undersecretary, Ministry of Environment and Spatial
Planning, Словения
- Delmar Blasco, Former Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands,
- Antony Burgmans, Chairman, Unilever N. V., Нидерланды
- Esther Camac, Asociación Ixä Ca Vaá de Desarrollo e Información Indigena,
- Angela Cropper, President, The Cropper Foundation, Тринидад и Тобаго
- Partha Dasgupta, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Politics, University
of Cambridge, Великобритания
- José María Figueres, Managing Director, Center for Global Agenda, World
Economic Forum, Швейцария
- Fred Fortier, Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Information Network, Канада
- Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences,
- Jonathan Lash, President, World Resources Institute, США
- Wangari Maathai, Vice Minister for Environment, Кения
- Paul Maro, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam,
- Harold Mooney, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford
University, США
- Marina Motovilova, Professor, Faculty of Geography, M. V. Lomonossov
Moscow State University, Россия
- M. K. Prasad, Environment Centre of the Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad,
- Walter V. Reid, Director, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (ex officio),
Малайзия и США
- Henry Schacht, Past Chairman of the Board, Lucent Technologies, США
- Peter Johan Schei, Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Норвегия
- Ismail Serageldin, President, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Египет
- David Suzuki, Chair, David Suzuki Foundation, Канада
- M. S. Swaminathan, Chairman MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Индия
- José Galízia Tundisi, President, International Institute of Ecology,
- Axel Wenblad, Vice President Environmental Affairs, Skanska AB, Швеция
- Xu Guanhua, Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, Китай
- Muhammad Yunus, Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Бангладеш